Mechanics is the oldest branch of the exact, experimental sciences, and was founded as such by Galileo Galilee. In exact sciences the laws are expressed by mathematical relationships (e.g. polynomial or differential equations) and the quantities related by the laws must also have precise mathematical definitions. The quantities are, in general, constructs of our own minds; the scientific laws enable us to predict what will happen if we do something to the world, but tell us nothing about what we might call 'ultimate reality'.
This textbook provides extra knowledge in mechanics & pre-requisites in quantum mechanics for university students. This book provides the knowledge about the importance of the Galilean Transformation in Newtonian mechanics; the relation of conservation of quantities to symmetry; and the use of conservation laws to simplify problems.
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1. Introductory Definitions
2. Kinematics
3. Dynamics of Particle
4. Dynamics of a System of Particles
5. Energy and its Conservation
6. Simple Harmonic Motion - Free, Damped, and Driven
7. Rotational Motion I (Primitive concepts, angular momentum, velocity & acceleration)
8. Rotational Motion II ( Rotation of rigid bodies, energy, Gyroscopes & Tops. Precission)
9. Central Forces
10. Gravitation
Book Title: Mechanics
Author: Gordon Troup
Language: English
Published Date: 1976
Publisher: Longman Australia Pty Limited
Pages: 211
File Size: 5.82 MB
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