Electronics is the branch of science that concerns with the study, design and use of devices based on the conduction of electricity through a gases or in a vacuum or a semiconductor. The practical applications include the Radio Communications, Computing Technology, Industrial Controlling Devices, Telephone, Facsimile, Sound Recording, Radar, Television, Internet Devices etc.
Electronics Dictionary is a collection of terms related to electronics and physics including their definition, properties, applications and examples. This eBook contains over 6,000 terms used in electronics (or electronic devices). This eBook's link was shared here in hope that, it can be helpful for students who are studying and interested in electronics subject to get more information related with electronics and it also help to clarify in electronic terms. This books covers maximum terms that were need to electronics scientists, engineers and students.
This eBook was shared by a archive.org member (@malamud) in Public Domain rights. This eBook can be used for non-commercial purposes only.
Book Title: Electronics Dictionary
Author: Nelson M. Cooke & John Markus
Language: English
Published Date: 1945
Edition: 1st
Pages: 440
File Size: 44.64 MB
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